Game Tickets and GMs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fmillard, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. fmillard

    fmillard Level 0 Character

    I realized, now that I'm home from GaryCon, after running 20 hours of Savage Worlds that, even though I turned in my Game Tickets that were given to me by the players, I forgot to turn in my Game Sheets. Is there anywhere I can send these in to or fax them to ensure I get the proper GM credit for GaryCon XII, or are the players' ticket stubs themselves good enough. Thanks in advance!
  2. Bront

    Bront Level 0 Character

    I got multiple different answers about what they needed.

    Tickets? If Possible, not required.
    Game Sheets? Prefered, not required.
    Badge numbers of players? Highly requested.

    Was very confusing. I turned everything in but didn't get badge numbers. I even turned in the ticket for the one guy who showed up for my game that didn't run because he was the only one (I got him in a neighboring game fortunately).
  3. sir jon

    sir jon Spellbinder

    Caroline says on the GC FB board to message scans/images to [email protected] for those of us that need to do this.
  4. fmillard

    fmillard Level 0 Character

    Thank you!
    sir jon likes this.
  5. Aaron Wilbers

    Aaron Wilbers Level 0 Character

    I think I had one DM the entire weekend ask me for a ticket.

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