Single Day Pass?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by guntherfuzz8, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. guntherfuzz8

    guntherfuzz8 Level 0 Character

    Do Single day Passes exist? If so, how much are they and can they be purchased on the day of the event?

    I have a couple of friends that want to attend, but won't be able to arrive until Friday evening/Saturday morning. Needless to say they aren't crazy about spending $30-40 for the full four day pass, so I told them I'd ask about single day passes.
  2. Donal

    Donal Administrator

    This year we're only offering a single badge, good for the entire show. That being said, the price of an on-site badge decreases throughout the weekend. As of right now we're shooting for:

    $40 - Wednesday/Thursday
    $30 - Friday
    $20 - Saturday
    $ 0 - Sunday

    Yes, Sunday we will be handing out free badges this year (you still need a badge, it will just be free). Keep in mind, on-site badge purchases will not be able to take advantage of event pre-registration.
  3. Dale

    Dale Administrator

    I like the idea of the Sunday is Free. It works with us wanting to share the experience of the gathering- and with many of our attendees staying Sunday night (reduced hotel rate). This gives us a complete full day of gaming, instead of breaking everything down early.
  4. falconer

    falconer Level 0 Character

    I can only come up for Thursday night (sometime after 6:00). Is there any way to get in for ~6 hours total, without paying the full $40?

    What if I decide to pay the $40 to get a badge, but then I can’t register for the event I want in on (it fills up). Can I get my badge refunded?

    Not asking rhetorically; I really need to know. Thanks.
  5. the keeper

    the keeper Spellbinder

    I couldn't agree more, having Sunday be a free day is a great idea, BUT, no sinlge day pass ? I know of quite a few people that came in only on Friday or Saturday last year & for them to have to pay $20.00 or $30.00 dollars for one day.............Guess I'm not seeing the full picture. :?
  6. falconer

    falconer Level 0 Character

    I bit the bullet and paid the $40, even though I’m only going to be at one session on Thursday. I’m not happy, but, oh well.
  7. Donal

    Donal Administrator

    While it is true that most conventions still have 1-day badge, in many instances, it can be as high as 50% of the full badge price. A 1-day badge for Gen Con 2012 is $50 on-site. That's insane. Based upon our registration information from last year, about 80% of our 1-day badges were for Saturday. We considered having a 1-day badge again this year, for $20, but decided to keep it simple. What we didn't consider were the small number of attendees who were only coming in for Thursday or Friday (we hoped by giving them a full badge, it would encourage them to return).

    That being said, we're happy to take care of this issue on an individual basis. If you're only coming for Thursday or Friday, see one of our staff at the show and we can work something out.
  8. the keeper

    the keeper Spellbinder

    Thank you for explaining this. :D
    The reason I responded was the discission came up at our groups' weekly gaming session. You see four of our group are dealing with limited income & the one-day-option works best for them, another works the graveyard shift & has to start their week on Sunday nite, Friday & Saturday works best & the other runs a local business so getting away from that business can be a little tricky & costly as they have to pay someone to man the business. At next weeks gathering I will give all the explaination above & also let them know that there MAY be options available & to contact a GC IV staff member.
    Now on a different note; When are we going to see a printable flyer?

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