Monkeying about on Saturday

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bighara, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. bighara

    bighara Chevalier

    My current schedule leaves me with Saturday open, and I'm not leaving until Sunday. I'll be toting around some Faster Monkey Games adventures, including (knock on wood) a new release. I'm happy to run a pickup game or two if anyone is interested. FMG focuses on OSR retro-clone systems like Labyrinth Lord (B/X) and Mutant Future.
  2. mabon5127

    mabon5127 Level 0 Character

    Will probably be looking for some to fill my schedule. Sounds good!

  3. tron

    tron Level 0 Character


    I could go for a little Skull Mountain!

    Schedule permitting of course on Saturday...or maybe if you'd like to do a pickup Wednesday evening??
  4. scottenkainen

    scottenkainen Level 0 Character

    I'll be there Saturday from noon to 8 for open gaming and can play or run something.

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