First Con

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bigby1980, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. sniderman

    sniderman Chevalier

    You're gonna have a great time! Unlike some of the "so-big-I'm-overwhelmed-to-the-point-of-paralysis" cons, Gary Con is the perfect size. It has all of the action, excitement, and activity of the national megacons crossed with the approachability, friendliness, and fellowship of a smaller local-type con. It's become my favorite convention by far.

    Now then, once the dates are settled, I would HIGHLY advise you to reserve your room at The Lodge ASAP. Gary Con IV filled the facility quite handily, and attendance records will probably be shattered yet again in 2013. So if you want a room on-site, make your reservations immediately.

    Getting a badge is fairly straightforward once they go on sale, so that's not really an issue. But event tickets go quickly for the popular events or those events run by the Big Names In Gaming. So once the event catalog is posted, I would advise you to review it for events you want to play in. Make a list and set it next to your computer. Then, the day (the MINUTE) the event tickets go on sale, order them. Don't wait until later, or the events you want to play in may be sold out already. But even if that does happen, there are a LOT of other events to try out and play. There are pick-up games popping up everyplace. Heck, you could even run an event or two yourself.

    Gary Con is a great "first con" if you've never been to one. And it's a great "must-attend-every-year con" for those of us who are Old Hats at these kinds of things.
  2. chainsaw

    chainsaw Troubadour

    Also, be careful not to drink too much on your first night. I make this mistake at all the cons. :mrgreen:
  3. Bigby1980

    Bigby1980 Level 0 Character

    Awesome. The more and more everyone speaks about it, the more and more excited I get for March. I'll definitely be sure to keep an eye on events for I won't want to miss out. As for the room, I'll try to stay on top of that. As for the beer....can't make a promise there :mrgreen:

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