An Oriental Adventures Event

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by red wizard, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    I had a lot of fun running my 1st Edition AD&D Oriental Adventures event at Gary Con III, and so I have decided to give it another go. Last time I did this, I featured a Japanese-centric adventure. This year I am opting to go with a Chinese-centric adventure featuring a gathering of five kung fu masters assembled to retrieve the fabled Floating Blade of Shin Lu, recently stolen from the Forbidden City.

    Hope to see you at the table! :)
  2. Kestrel

    Kestrel Level 0 Character

    I look forward to your kung-fu treachery.

    In the immortal words of Liu Kang, "Hwaa-ta!"
  3. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    I've been catching up on my Kung Fu flicks with so far... Shaolin, Fist of Legend, 36th Chamber of Shaolin, New Legend of Shaolin, Swordsman II, Ip Man, Five Deadly Venoms, Once Upon A Time in China, and Drunken Master.

    And in the fatherly words of Wushu master, Hong Xiguan, "Choose either the sword or the wooden horse. And if you choose the horse, I'll send you to hell... to see your mother!" :lol:
  4. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    Get ready for "The Six Deadly Masters" to be ran on Thursday. I'll run it once during a morning slot and once again in the afternoon :)

    "Six of the empire's greatest Wushu masters have teamed up to recover the stolen sword of Jin Li! Led by a mysterious dream, their journey at last leads them to the fabled Jade Tower of T'sen Lu. But will their combined kung fu be strong enough to retrieve the shimmering blade and topple the tower's new lord?"
  5. ErikinOregon

    ErikinOregon Level 0 Character

    I am there!
  6. jeffery st. clair

    jeffery st. clair Troubadour

    I'd love to fit a session into my schedule! *crosses fingers*
  7. Melf

    Melf Administrator Staff Member

    Erik- you have to get Dreb into the OA game. He used to love my OA adventures. :twisted:
  8. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    Well, two of my events are now registered. These being the 2 slots of my Oriental AD&D, Five Deadly Masters to be ran on Thursday at 8AM and 2PM.


    Description: "Stolen from the Temple of Heaven by six dragons, the legendary sword of Jun Li lies now high atop Wu Xing Mountain, within the Jade Tower. Seeking to retrieve the blade, five deadly masters have ascended Wu Xing Mountain and at last stand before the gates of the Jade Tower. But will even their combined wushu prowess prove strong enough to wrest the sword from the tower's new master?"

    I'm stoked about this one, you just know there will be some crazy wire-fu action. So practice up on your No-Shadow Kick, then grab some dice and a chair. Who knows, by the end of the second event I might even demonstrate my Drunken Master style. :D

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