Unable to register on Sunday...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robertiv, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. robertiv

    robertiv Level 0 Character

    I probably deserve -500 XP for this, but just put two-and-two together and realized I'm slated to be in the middle of the woods tomorrow when registration opens. No access to a computer and most likely no cell reception either, at least until late Sunday night.

    Are there any ways around this, or am I pretty much stuck with trying to find someone to register for me?
  2. Donal

    Donal Administrator

    Unfortunately, it is a live registration system. However, we have a ton of events this year, so I expect there will be plenty of seats available for at least a week or two. I do expect a limited number of historically popular events to sell out by Sunday, 4:30PM EST, however. So as long as you didn't have your heart set on those, you'll be fine.
  3. robertiv

    robertiv Level 0 Character

    Thanks Donal.
    I was just concerned since the lodging had more demand than anticipated, the events might follow suit. I did arrange for a friend to sign me up so all should be good.

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