Thanks to all the board gamers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by caalas, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. caalas

    caalas Level 0 Character

    I've taken my entire collection (or close to it) of board games up to Garycon for the last 5 years. The games have been played by many and always returned with respect to the shelves. After unloading everything in my garage last week I've taken the time to open each game and inventory all the contents. At 85% of the boxes sorted through I have yet to find a game that has missing pieces, ripped instructions, broken box (that wasn't already broken) etc. A few people mentioned that a game they tried had a missing piece, that was my fault. I've combined my stuff to make more room on my shelves. Next year I'll better mark games that have been combined but are still in more than one box (Settlers of Catan, The Legend of Drizzt, etc) so that you grab both boxes.

    Just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you that played and took extra care when re-shelving the boxes.
  2. Dale

    Dale Administrator

    I love seeing the collection there every year! Greatly appreciate the awesome work you do!

    See you next year. :D
  3. silas

    silas Chevalier

    I have a large number of board games I can also bring next year, including Dune, John Carter of Mars, and Clue Master Detective
  4. mordrin

    mordrin Spellbinder Staff Member

    A big thanks to you!

    I've never gotten to make use of them myself, but I know plenty of people that do.

    A great asset to GaryCon.
  5. General Lopez

    General Lopez Level 0 Character

    Thank you for bringing your games. The family and I had some of our favorite moments at GaryCon playing your games.
  6. sir jon

    sir jon Spellbinder

    So pleased to see the shelving used this year! Makes it much easier to see and pull a game to play.

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