Missing Greyhawk

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lichhunter, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Lichhunter

    Lichhunter Level 0 Character

    I was weaned as a player in Dyvers on the banks of the Nyr Dyv. Bragor was my name and I brought evil to that town in a fit of adolescent fury.

    Later I found myself as a new character in a group of adventurer's operating out of the Pocket's Woe Tavern in the slums of Greyhawk.

    Then a happy go lucky sailor in the sunny south of Dullstrand before it was conquered by Zorathar, the son of Hell, that forged the failing Great Kingdom into the Grand Empire.

    There were many campaigns set in Greyhawk in my youth. Politically inspired campaigns, shadowy secret Illuminati like campaigns, straight forward module based campaigns dedicated to the source materials. All were good.

    Now Greyhawk is gone. Locked away in mothballs somewhere. Anybody know what the state of affairs of the Flanaess these day? Does Wizards still have the rights?

    Just curious.

  2. rbreade

    rbreade Level 0 Character

    I loved adventuring in the Greyhawk world! What's happened to it--I took my eye off RPGs for several years and now, when I'm rediscovering them, my favorite created world is AWOL! Is Lichhunter right? Has Wizards of the Coast held the rights to Greyhawk all these years only to keep it in dry-dock? That would be a shame.
  3. JediSoth

    JediSoth Troubadour

    The last I heard, WotC still has the rights to Greyhawk. It wouldn't surprise me if they haul it out of mothballs once D&D Next gets going (to ride on the waves of nostalgia). Fortunately, so much of the great flavor of Greyhawk doesn't rely on game mechanics, so if you can find copies of the old Greyhawk books, you can use them with just about any system. Noble Knight Games probably has some, and I've been seeing Greyhawk Adventures at my local Half-Price Books, so if you have one, you might pop in once in a while and see what they have.
  4. Lichhunter

    Lichhunter Level 0 Character

    Thanks, Jedi.

    I still have all the books. I would like to see new material come out for it.

    DnDclassic is selling the old PDFs I hear, but I had bought them all before the shut down from RPGnow.

  5. grodog

    grodog Troubadour

    Wizards seems to be returning to some of the classic materials from Greyhawk via the recent reprints: the A1-4 Slavers modules and the S1-4 modules too. Perhaps more will be forthcoming, if these sell well (although we've heard those arguments before in the past too, when Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk was released in 2007 and there was no follow-through).

    The reprinted A1-4 has a new A0 module in it, that's the first official 1e module published for D&D since L3 Deep Dwarven Delve in 1999 for the Silver Anniversary. I don't know if they're planning to publish more new materials, but there's plenty of Greyhawk material created by fans at Canonfire! and various other Greyhawk-oriented forums and sub-forums. In particular worth checking out are:

    - Canonfire! @ http://www.canonfire.com/cfhtml/modules.php?name=Forums and http://www.canonfire.com/cfhtml/modules.php
    - Gary Gygax's World of Greyhawk on Dragonsfoot @ http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=33
    - Gary Gygax Greyhawk on ODD74 @ http://odd74.proboards.com/board/42/gary-gygax-greyhawk
    - Gaming with Rob Kuntz on ODD74 @ http://odd74.proboards.com/board/74/gaming-rob-kuntz
    - World of Greyhawk on Knights & Knaves @ http://knights-n-knaves.com/phpbb3/viewforum.php?f=40
    - World of Greyhawk on Delver's Dungeon @ http://www.thedelversdungeon.com/forums ... 9f13af46de
    - Doomsday Games @ http://doomsdaygames.proboards.com/
    - Maure Castle on Paizo @ http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/pa ... aureCastle

    There are oodles of fan web sites and blogs dedicated to Greyhawk, too. I have a decent list of them at http://www.greyhawkonline.com/grodog/gh_links.html but it's far from exhaustive.

    Is there anything specific you're looking for in your quest for new Greyhawk materials, Lich?
  6. Lichhunter

    Lichhunter Level 0 Character

    I'd like to see everything upgraded to Pathfinder/3.5 rules.

    I'm doing that with Saltmarsh right now.

    Thanks very much for all those great links, Allan.

    I'm going to check it them all out.
  7. mark

    mark Spellbinder

    The town of Saltmarsh is detailed in the 3.5 DMG II -


    http://www.rpgnow.com/product/25841/Dun ... =9731&it=1
  8. Lichhunter

    Lichhunter Level 0 Character

    I never bought the GM Guide for 3.5. I was playing a home built system during the early days of 3.5.

    I only found Pathfinder when I started playing in gaming stores again over a year ago.

    I've built an Excel workbook for running characters through adventures solo and I have to admit, the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is a great low level adventure.
  9. grodog

    grodog Troubadour

    You're quite welcome :D
  10. francisca

    francisca Troubadour


    Rumours of Greyhawk's demise are greatly exaggerated. Many of us own the Folio, the '83 Boxed set, and multiple modules set in the world. People still nitpick and argue over the teeniest details at various websites. As long as people are still playing games in the setting and/or creating new material for use at their own table and beyond, Greyhawk is still alive and kicking, regardless of WotC's offerings (or lack thereof).
  11. tavernace69

    tavernace69 Level 0 Character

    D&D Next is supposed to allow you to play any previous version of D&D (except 4) by just swapping out the bestiary (and using the new rule mechanics obviously). So dust off those old adventures and campaign settings...

    - J

    PS - I have actually played some D&D Next - I like a lot of the game mechanics. Still like Pathfinder too. And the classic stuff.

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