Lift and Return 330 Center St - Thursday

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stahlnee, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    Canvasing fellow gamers to see whom I can thumb a lift from.

    I have an event at the house on Thursday evening from 6-10pm.

    I would like a lift around 5pm-ish on Thursday and a speedy return at 10pm the same evening.

    Help is greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,
  2. blusfn3

    blusfn3 Level 0 Character

    Edwin, we are in the same game and have room for two more. We'd be happy to give you a lift!
  3. nesbit37

    nesbit37 Level 0 Character

    If you don't mind, blusfn3, I might need a ride as well. I will be in that same game.
  4. blusfn3

    blusfn3 Level 0 Character

    No problem. I'll have to check on our Thursday afternoon games but we should probably leave no later than 530. Maybe we could meet at the registration desk about then?


  5. If it's the CHAINMAIL battle, I'm the referee. But I need to get there early to set up the sand table.
  6. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    Sweet! Sent you a PM with my cell number.

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