Featured Event Limits Make Me Cry IRL

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by heyscot, Jan 21, 2017.

  1. heyscot

    heyscot Level 0 Character

    There's a ton of featured events that aren't full yet that I can't register for because I'm lower-class silver. I can deal with that; I registered for my badge late. But seeing a Jim Ward event only have 1/6 people in it and not being able to register for it because of the 1-event limitation makes me cry IRL

    *getting tissues*
  2. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    Recommend that you stop by the event(s) you want about 5 minutes early to see if a seat might be available. Also, some people running games might be able to add you if you ask them nicely.
    PBurke likes this.
  3. crunchy

    crunchy Level 0 Character

    Do you need a hug?

    - Tom C
  4. DTaylor

    DTaylor Level 0 Character

    I'm hoping that this will work (stopping by tables that might not be full). It's a bummer, being as - for at least some of us - the only reason we didn't buy Gold passes is because there were none available.
  5. Traxion

    Traxion Footpad

    In case you guys didn't see the announcement, everyone gets more Featured Events this weekend.
    PBurke likes this.

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