Featured Event Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by enigma1122, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. enigma1122

    enigma1122 Level 0 Character

    Hello, first time actually being able to make it to the con. I have my silver badge, and I just am wondering if someone can explain to me the one featured event I get. I am interested in You Too Can Cthulhu, can I only do one of those as a silver? Or is there like.... I might get booted out of a second game, if someone who hasn't gotten a Featured Event tries to get into one?
  2. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    The system will restrict you to putting a single featured event ticket into your shopping cart.

    This limit is during event registration. Onsite you can check with the DM for the event to see if they can accommondate an extra player. Recommend showing up 5 to 10 minutes early to do this. Also the tables have flag holders with a red card for full and green for looking for players IIRC on the colors. However the use can be lax in some cases.
    Poindexter likes this.
  3. sir jon

    sir jon Spellbinder

    Lax? Lax? How dare you say such things! I challenge you to a duel of "looking for players" cards!
  4. glamcrist

    glamcrist Footpad

    As I've never had a session fill up, I resemble that remark!
  5. Buttmonkey

    Buttmonkey Troubadour

    Just to be clear for the OP, some, but not all, events are classified as featured events. You are limited in how many featured events you can register for based on your badge type. Silver badge holders can only register for one featured event. If you purchase a featured event with that single featured event ticket, you can't be booted in favor of someone else. Your spot is yours. However, you won't be able to register for any other featured events. When you arrive at the con, you may be allowed to squeeze into additional featured events by showing up at game time and asking the GM if there is room for you.
  6. SoulCatcher78

    SoulCatcher78 Level 0 Character

    If you don't use all of you're featured event slots that are available during registration are they giftable to someone else? I'm going to guess the answer's a hard NO but I had one left over that I'm not going to need.
  7. Poindexter

    Poindexter Chevalier

    i would imagine if you purchased the ticket you could 'gift' it to someone, but i don't believe there is a way to 'gift' them the ability to purchase their own.
    SoulCatcher78 likes this.
  8. Scott308

    Scott308 Chevalier

    Also, if you do register in a game and plan on letting someone else use that spot, you cannot register for anything else that will overlap that time slot.
    Poindexter and SoulCatcher78 like this.

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