Wednesday Night Celebrations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by heyscot, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. heyscot

    heyscot Level 0 Character

    Hey All,

    Next year I invite all of you to enjoy the comforts of our Grand Geneva brethren from long, long ago: On Wednesday night, March 6th, 2019, wear your pajamas or bathrobe and slippers in celebration of being together once again and enjoying all that the Gygax family has given us. The Grand Geneva used to be the Playboy club. While I have theories about what went on there during those times (other than FBI wiretaps), more than anything we should celebrate the comradery and comfort that Lake Geneva and the Gygax family has afforded us, year after year for the past decade.

    Thank you, Luke.

  2. Ray Otus

    Ray Otus Level 0 Character

    Oooooh. THAT's why "that guy" was in a bathrobe. Good to know.
    sir jon and SoulCatcher78 like this.

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