Notable Attendees for GCIV

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hackhamster, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. hackhamster

    hackhamster Level 0 Character

  2. mark

    mark Spellbinder

    I'll be there! :D

    . . . or does the "I" in VIP stand for important?
  3. hackhamster

    hackhamster Level 0 Character

    Introverted? Interesting? Inverted? Idolatrous? Who cares? Pick one :)

    Just trying to spread the news...
  4. geekpreacher

    geekpreacher Spellbinder

    I'm pretty sure Tim Kask and Frank Mentzer are going to be there. They've been at everyone so far and I don't see that changing.

    As for James Ward, I know he's been but his health hasn't been that great as of late. I believe he just had surgery but I don't know him well enough to have found out how he's doing. If Tim's around, I'm sure he'll give us an update.
  5. mark

    mark Spellbinder

    I'd go with "Introverted" but who would believe me? :D
  6. Melf

    Melf Administrator Staff Member

    Lets see we have a couple VIPs returning. Frank mentzer, Tim Kask, Jim Ward (he is recovering well from triple bypass surgery), Tom Wham, Mike Carr, David kenzer, Jolly Blackburn, Steven Chenault, Jeff Easley, Rob Kuntz (pending), Skip Williams, Zeb Cook, Margaret Weiss (pending), Mike Reese (IFW) , Tim Bobek (IFW), Bill Hoyer (IFW) amongst others.
  7. silas

    silas Chevalier

    List looks even better than last year!
  8. Melf

    Melf Administrator Staff Member

    More Notable News,

    Eldritch Enterprises is releasing their first products at Gary Con. You will have a chance to play them with the EE gang (Frank Mentzer, Jim Ward, Tim Kask and Chris Clark) during Gary Con. Also, Jeff Talanian (lead designer on Castle Zagyg stuff before it got pulled) is releasing his Astounding Swordsmen and Sorcerors of Hyperborea.

  9. ghul

    ghul Chevalier

    Very kind of you to mention me, Luke, but when I look at the other "notables" I can't help feel like Wayne and Garth when they met Alice Cooper. ;)

    Jeff T.
  10. prolificvoid

    prolificvoid Troubadour

    "I was not aware of that . . . DOES THIS GUY KNOW HOW TO PARTY OR WHAT?!"
    I loved when Wayne and Garth met Alice Cooper, so this should be superb.
  11. Melf

    Melf Administrator Staff Member


    You are as notable as me atleast! And you are rolling out your new AS&SoH game at Gary Con. I think you have earned a mention. Looking forward to seeing you again in March.

    Party on Wayne!
  12. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    AWESOME!!!!! :D

    Okey,this should be pretty good.

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