Gary Con T-Shirts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Donal, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. Donal

    Donal Administrator

    The Gary Con t-shirt pre-orders have begun. You may purchase them via the main page under Souvenirs. Please note, there is a discount coupon code available to you if you take our Survey (the link is also available on the homepage). I believe this coupon code expires in a few days, so don't delay!

    Pre-orders will end January 31, 2012. As we only produce a small number beyond pre-orders, we cannot guarantee availability (especially in certain uncommon sizes) at the show.
  2. WSmith

    WSmith Level 0 Character

    I tried to purchase a shirt but when I click "add to cart" nothing happens.
  3. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    Make sure you are logged in 1st.
  4. WSmith

    WSmith Level 0 Character

    It is weird. I am logged in but it didn't still work. I got home and tried a different laptop and it worked. Crazy! :shock:
  5. bloodymage

    bloodymage Chevalier

    I bought one. The day after the deadline for the discount. Story of my life.
  6. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    I would imagine that anyone running Firefox and NoScript would have issues too if they don't "Allow" Can't speculate to why it didn't work on one box and did on another.
  7. WSmith

    WSmith Level 0 Character

    I can. My personal laptop works fine and my work one is a P.O.S. ;)
  8. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    Well yeah, there's the problem - you can't buy T-shirts on a Point Of Sale machine (P.O.S., cash register) ;-)
  9. Can we see what they look like?
  10. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

  11. grodog

    grodog Troubadour

    Just a glitch, or have preorders closed completely?
  12. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

  13. mark

    mark Spellbinder

    That's how I did it with IE two days ago.

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