GaryCon was my first Con

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by greywolf, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. greywolf

    greywolf Level 0 Character

    Is there anyone else who had his/her first experience of a gaming convention at GaryCon?

    My first was GaryCon 2010. I was back for GaryCon 2011. And I am working on GaryCon 2012!

    I think that I had the distinction of the first character death at GaryCon 2010, early on Friday morning in a Rules Cyclopedia game run by Silas.
  2. makerofthings

    makerofthings Chevalier

    I was in on that game as well. Even though we had to say goodbye to your PC, it was a pleasure meeting you that day.

  3. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    Oh yes, I remember that game. Good times!
  4. ghul

    ghul Chevalier

    And I've had the pleasure of gaming with you at both GC II and GC III and hopefully GC IV! Good times, Mr. Wolf!
  5. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    A friend of mine will play his first RPG at his first gaming con this spring at Gary Con 2012. He lives a few states away or we would have him join one of the home campaigns - we're not idiots - err, we're not idiots with respect to intro'ing him to RPGs before the con if practical.... :)
  6. welleran

    welleran Footpad

    Garycon was my first con in 2010.
  7. chainsaw

    chainsaw Troubadour

    GaryCon 2011 was my second con, after NTRPG Con 2010 (<100 people) the year before. I probably wouldn't have had the balls to roll up to GC alone if I hadn't gone to a smaller convention first, so it worked out really well. Had a great time, met some good people and played some good games. My friend capitalbill who lives nearby (and DMs and games with me) is coming this year and it's his first con. He's a good dude and will really enjoy it, I think. Should be awesome.
  8. greywolf

    greywolf Level 0 Character

    Maker and Red, that was my introduction to the Dead Games Society, before there were cool rings with dice. I think that I was one of your first initiates.

    Ghul, I hope to be in Ghost Ships or Rats in the Wall.

    Totan, I am sure that you friend will want to come back. Welleran and I have been GaryConned.

    Chainsaw, I remember meeting you at NTRPG. capitalbill sounds familiar. Maybe I have met him or gamed with him before?
  9. chainsaw

    chainsaw Troubadour

    Yeah, that seems like long ago, eh? Hehe. I was glad to se you again last year at GC3, when we played in Jeff's AS&SH game, then all went to dinner afterward (remember the bachelorette party girls at the table next to us?). Lots of Guinness that evening. Fun!

    Unlikely, as he has never been to a convention before. Perhaps his legendary reputation precedes him. :)
  10. sir jon

    sir jon Spellbinder

    Aw, that was your lucky table? We were waaaaay at the other end and saw those girls come in. A friendly lot, they were.
  11. capitalbill

    capitalbill Level 0 Character

    As Chainsaw said, this will indeed be my first convention. Looking forward to it intensely!
  12. chainsaw

    chainsaw Troubadour

    No kidding! One came over and grabbed us for a picture (obviously some bachelorette party checklist silliness - grab a GaryCon guy! :lol: :lol: )

    Also.. we have another attendee! My and capitalbill's friend ligedog, who has recently moved to Charlotte from Portland and is now part of our 1E group, has made arrangements to attend GaryCon. Awesome! That makes three from Charlotte.

    Oh yeah, it's his first convention as well. Not bad!
  13. dlawson74

    dlawson74 Level 0 Character

    GaryCon I (2009) was my first con. I found out about it two days prior and drove two hours from Naperville to lake Geneva to be there. The next year I moved to Indiana and still made the trip from South Bend.

    This year, I live in Upstate New York. But I still have my badge and room reserved. If I never attend any other con, I'll always try to make GaryCon.

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