C&C, A&8's/CoC or SpellJammer

Discussion in 'RPG Discussion' started by bloodymage, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. bloodymage

    bloodymage Chevalier

    Cogitating about what I should present for GCIII. I have several board games, a few of which I might bring, but I want to offer a couple o' RPG games and only two. My marathoning days are over, I'm afraid and I so suffer from information overload these days. Any way, two of the suggestions I had slated for KublaCon, a two-part, high-level, epic-in-scale C&C creation of mine, "Druids Isle," and an offering entitled, "Cattle Drive to Hell," a quirky take on KenzerCo's Aces & Eights game. Unfortunately, I had to bail on Kubla due to life's cruel turns and didn't go. By event submission time, I should be able to predict whether I can have the latter scenario prepared. The Kenzer boys put out some detailed and complex material. Just making up the pregens is an intense effort, not to mention the merging of two systems, so there's a ton of prep to pull off for that one.

    It occurred to me, not even thinking about the effort for the cattle drive, to do something with SpellJammer. I've never run or played SJ, but I do have experience running HackJammer and it was a hoot. I thought some old-school fun could be had romping around the Void.

    So, what y'all think? I'm rusty as all snot, but I do wanna get my feet wet at the con. Whaddyall wanna play?

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