don't let the dust settle on your dice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GameMaster, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. GameMaster

    GameMaster Level 0 Character

    Sounds like a it was a great Con... but I didn't get to to make it...

    I read through the suggestions, and they are great to see...

    ...and for those that didn't get enough "old school" gaming, North Texas RPG Con is just around the corner in June and we will take some of these suggestions into consideration as well... we already print names & handles on our badges, but will add more info like states etc as well.

    So don't let the dust settle on your dice & books, hop over to and see what we have in store.

    Thanx goes out to Luke for allowing us to pass out some fliers for our Con at Garry Con... hope some of you got a copy and hope Allan (Grodog) put the bug in a few ears.

    (I love the table of honor for Gary btw)
  2. greywolf

    greywolf Level 0 Character

    There is a lot of dust in Texas, but worry not for the wind in Texas never stops. It won't let the dust settle.

    I hope to see the GaryCon II players down in Texas for NTRPG Con. There looks like there will be even more OD&D (probably thanks to so many K&K Texans) and we can be sure that there will not be any snow.

    No E.G.G. pilgrimages but there will be BBQ. No New Glarus but instead Shiner Bock.

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