Frazetta on his son's break-in...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by francisca, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. francisca

    francisca Troubadour

  2. Dale

    Dale Administrator

    Wow, that's pretty bad.

    He used a back-hoe. So much for kicking a door in.
  3. Emperor Xan

    Emperor Xan Troubadour

    Wow, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. I hope the family can get that resolved.

    I am curious as to whether one could classify the son's break-in method as a backdoor hoe-down.
  4. geekpreacher

    geekpreacher Spellbinder

    That is one of the saddest things I've read in a long time. I've heard of family feuds but this is ridiculous.

    My family hasn't always been the most functional but when my mom passed those of us who are left had no problem or arguments over "who got what." I just can't imagine doing something like that while your father is still alive much more doing it after he has passed on. What a sad way to hurt a great artists legacy.
  5. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    No shortage of self-centered jerks on this planet, especially when money is involved. That is pretty crappy/sad indeed.
  6. Emperor Xan

    Emperor Xan Troubadour

    I'm sure there's a reason why we have the expression "we only hurt the ones we love."
  7. bloodymage

    bloodymage Chevalier

    Sad. I have a son who took horrible advantage of his mother before she died, though now he's barely old enough to operate a backhoe.


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