Local Ninja convicted of break-in

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by francisca, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. francisca

    francisca Troubadour

    Ector will either get a kick out of this, or shake his head in disgust. Maybe both.

    Castle Comics and Cards in one of our local friendly game stores.

    Source: http://www.wlfi.com/dpp/news/crime/man- ... o-break-in

  2. Ector

    Ector Level 0 Character

    That is just absolutely priceless. What I really can't believe is that someone would sleep in that store - you can hardly walk around in there, much less stretch out and relax. Although I suppose that's what gaming tables are good for after everyone else has gone home :)
  3. Dale

    Dale Administrator

    Sounds like he needs to find a new line of work. He is too stupid to be a thief.
  4. dndgeek

    dndgeek Troubadour

    He must have forgotten flash pellets for his getaway. And he was so close to 2nd level.
  5. extsr

    extsr Chevalier

    Does Indiana law specify whether that's 3d6+3 or 5d4+1?
  6. Donal

    Donal Administrator

    Oh come now... how many of us had Ninja outfits back in the 80s? How many of us had throwing stars?

    He's living the dream, man, living the dream.
  7. jwk82263

    jwk82263 Level 0 Character

    Back in the 80's?? still have them. Watched The Octagon yesterday and went out at night cashing checks and breaking necks.
  8. the keeper

    the keeper Spellbinder

    Shouldn't that be "chasing chicks & breaking necks" ? That sounds more like Chuck Norris in the 80's. :D

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