Test of the Emergency Broadcast System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Donal, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. Donal

    Donal Administrator

    Thanks for your replies. As many of you realize, we're testing the board-wide email feature, but have discovered a few bugs. Be patient.... we're not trying to Spam you to death.
  2. grendelwulf

    grendelwulf Level 0 Character

    Grendelwulf: That's okay, Donal, no cause for a fuss. I'll have your spam. I love it. I'm having spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, beaked beans, spam, spam, spam, and spam!

    Vikings (singing): Spam, spam, spam, spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!

    Waitress: Shut up!! Baked beans are off.

    Grendelwulf: Well could I have more spam instead of the baked beans then?

    Waitress: You mean spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam...

    Vikings (singing elaborately): Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!


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