TSR history

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mordrin, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. mark

    mark Spellbinder

  2. GeneWeigel

    GeneWeigel Footpad

    Heres some longhaired 80's DM retro-action in 1984:


    And the following year playing with a bunch of girls in 1985:


    I used to play so much that theres tons of pictures.

    Here's Gene playing D&D at the funeral... Just kidding! ;)
  3. kaskoid

    kaskoid Chevalier

    I'll be running two sessions for 9-12 players, pre-gen PC's Levels 6-9, strictly OS (1st 6 LBB's). When they are scheduled, choose the slot you like and tell Luke or Dale I promised you a slot. Bring a fistful of dice and a writing instrument; you won't need anything else.
  4. geekpreacher

    geekpreacher Spellbinder

    Sounds great! I've already early registered and look forward to seeing you again. I should be riding over with the Kenzer folks again this year. Looking forward to slinging some dice and having some fun.

    And for those who noticed last year....yes, I was dozing off. But since my surgery things have been a LOT better. Now I only doze off in church. :shock: The preacher we've got will put you to sleep. ;) (Well, he puts my 4 month old to sleep most of the time.)
  5. osarious

    osarious Chevalier

    My daughter and I signed up for one of your games (would like to make sure we get in.)
  6. wcw43921

    wcw43921 Footpad

    Well, it is a fact that conflict makes a story interesting--that's the theory behind wandering monsters, or NPC innkeepers who insist there are no rooms available, or next-door neighbors who insist you keep the noise down.

    But as you say, it would be nifty to have a scene in a D&D movie like this--a guy in a clerical collar approaches Gary on the streets of Lake Geneva--

    REVEREND: "I understand you have this game where knights and wizards use magic powers to fight dragons and other evil monsters."

    GARY: "Yes."

    REVEREND: "Can I play?"

    GARY(smiles): "Sure. We'd love to have you."

    I remember this episode of Beauty And The Beast where this teenage kid who was a neighbor of Catherine's played a D&D-type game. The kid was having issues with his father--I don't think they were related to the game, though. One night he sees Catherine going into the basement--he follows her and discovers the secret tunnel community, along with Catherine's love Vincent, the lion-man. For a moment he wants to come live in the tunnels, but the events of the episode lead to him and his father reconciling. (My apologies for not remembering the episode more clearly.)

    At the end of the episode, he and his friends are playing the game, and he introduces a new character--a valiant knight who protects people from harm. The knight's name is Vincent.

    So there's another example of RPGs on 'Eighties TV, albeit a more positive one than usual.

    Hope that helps.

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