List of players who are attending events

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Liverpuncher, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Liverpuncher

    Liverpuncher Level 0 Character

    Hi -

    Will there be a way for me to get the names/ email addresses of the players in my events?

  2. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    I'm going to be adding usernames to the display of the event as a list of attendees, but due to privacy considerations, usernames are as far as we're willing to go.
  3. Liverpuncher

    Liverpuncher Level 0 Character

    Great - thanks! Do you have any idea when you'll get to that? I'm preparing for the con, and may want to try to contact them regarding some questions related to the events.
  4. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    Is so you can better plan their impending doom!
    Liverpuncher likes this.
  5. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    Prioritizing any outstanding issues with registration, at the moment, so the nearest ETA I can give on that is sometime soon after Saturday.
    Liverpuncher and grodog like this.
  6. grodog

    grodog Troubadour

    Thanks, Thomas!

  7. Liverpuncher

    Liverpuncher Level 0 Character

    Thanks Thomas - I know the volunteers are juggling a lot - and I certainly appreciate you responding to my request.

  8. grodog

    grodog Troubadour

  9. dndgeek

    dndgeek Troubadour

    So I shouldn't change my user name to my credit card number?
    Melf and mark like this.
  10. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    You would not believe the amount of applications I support where the client's SSN is their username.
  11. Liverpuncher

    Liverpuncher Level 0 Character

    That's crazy!
  12. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    Not any more crazier than universities that use SSN as student ID number.
  13. dndgeek

    dndgeek Troubadour

    Handy Haversack likes this.
  14. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Troubadour

    My mother had a week-long fight about that maybe 15 years ago: the cable company demanded she give her SSN to use as an account number, and wouldn't set up service without it. She flatly refused, and it culminated in her filing reports with the state AG and the Social Security Administration, both of whom took a dim view of the situation.
  15. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Troubadour

    Not even duct tape can fix THAT level of stupid.
  16. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    I dunno -- Military Grade Duct Tape might help. I need some of that for my sniper scope...
  17. JediSoth

    JediSoth Troubadour

    I have a microscope you can scrap for crystal.
    mwisconsin likes this.

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