Calling all Doctor Whos!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by red wizard, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    Well I am very pleased to see my Fasa Doctor Who event, The March of Time, completely filled! If you are one of those holding a ticket to this event, I want your feed back as I make some last minute tweaks to the adventure towards fine-tuning it to your tastes. The plot follows a premise we see in, The Three Doctors, The Five Doctors, and Time Crash, where various incarnations of the Doctor come into direct contact with one another. In this instance, it is the Eleventh Doctor's turn to deal with his earlier selves to save the day. So here is my question to you, out of the previous doctors which three would you most like to see him meet?

    The First Doctor -- William Hartnell
    The Second Doctor -- Patrick Troughton
    The Third Doctor -- Jon Pertwee
    The Fourth Doctor -- Tom Baker
    The Fifth Doctor -- Peter Davison
    The Sixth Doctor -- Colin Baker
    The Seventh Doctor -- Sylvester McCoy
    The Eighth Doctor -- Paul McGann
    The Ninth Doctor -- Christopher Eccleston
    The Tenth Doctor -- David Tennant

    The adventure is written, but to make it work best, the players should assume the role of the Doctor with whom they best identify with in order to truly bring their Doctor's colorful personality to life. So let me know :)

    In addition, the fifth and sixth player slots will be handed out to the players who feel up to the challenge of running Riversong and...

    ...The Master! :eek: (Who knows what incarnation he will take.)
  2. JediSoth

    JediSoth Troubadour

    Well, my wife and I (I signed us both up) are both fans of 10. She LURVES David Tennant with a fervor that would worry me if he were my neighbor. I liked 9, too, once I saw his episodes.
  3. makerofthings

    makerofthings Chevalier

    Peter Cushing, thats who I'd like to meet.


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