Event registration GP/SP revisited

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bighara, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. bighara

    bighara Chevalier

    This came up last year, too.

    Is there any way to "trade" a spare GP for some SP? My reg has 20sp. There are 21sp worth of "silver" events I'd like to attend, and only one 1gp event that fits my schedule. I know why trading SP for GP would cause problems with available seats for the marquee games, and I realize I may not get everything I'm after, but even a rate of 5sp per gp would make my life easier.

    The 3sp default event cost and having the number of SP not divisible by three is somewhat frustrating, FWIW. :)

    I saw the sticky ( viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1166 ) but figured it was still worth asking for an official reply.
  2. Navar

    Navar Level 0 Character

    Also, is there a way to give another registrant unused SPs & GPs?
  3. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    No swapping, trading or giving away GP or SPs.

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