Exhibitor info?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hrothgar's Hoard, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Hrothgar's Hoard

    Hrothgar's Hoard Level 0 Character

    Is there any info available for exhibitors yet? I've sent an email to Luke, but I don't know if his responses are getting lost in the ether or if he is just too busy to address this yet. If anyone knows, I'd appreciate some info.
  2. mordrin

    mordrin Spellbinder Staff Member

    Haven't heard anything regarding that.

    I do know they've filled up tremendously fast in the past, although the new venue may more space for vendors. OTOH, he may not have figured out which room will be the vendor room and how many tables it can handle yet.
  3. grodog

    grodog Troubadour

    I've not heard anything yet either, so I assume that they're still working on the space layout/availability logistics.


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