Gygax Games

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by extsr, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. extsr

    extsr Chevalier

  2. Melf

    Melf Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Frank,

    I have no info on this myself. I will have to ask Gail what's up.

  3. deogolf

    deogolf Chevalier

    Taps, more than likely. :(
  4. JRT

    JRT Level 0 Character

    She's going to renew it, it just expired while she was out of town.
  5. shalaban

    shalaban Chevalier

    Anybody know anything about this yet??? :?: :?
  6. finarvyn

    finarvyn Level 0 Character

    I hope that Gygax Games gets up and running again.

    It would be great to get some of those old projects in print! :D
  7. dndgeek

    dndgeek Troubadour

    Whois indicates that gygaxgames is registered (to Gail) into 2012, so no worries there yet.

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