Lake Geneva Wedding Venues

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by mordrin, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. mordrin

    mordrin Spellbinder Staff Member

    Here's a way OT question.

    Last year I wandered in to the first floor dining area/open gaming room at one point and got to talking with two guys who were local. Along the way I mentioned that I thinking of possibly having my wedding in the Lake Geneva area. They had a suggestion or two, which I wrote down - but, unfortunately my program and other mementos from last year are in storage and may be for awhile.

    So...I'm hoping maybe they visit here and can repeat the suggestion. Or I'm open to ideas from others who know the area well.

    I want to say their idea was maybe a country club/supper club? Possibly was just re-opening after remodeling maybe? I think one of them had a connection to an employee (gf?)? Not sure, my recollection is very vague now.

    Anyway, for reference it will be a small group, maybe 20-50, and the budget will be pretty modest as well. Outdoors or indoor venues are both fine.

    (And, no, we're not having the wedding at the con. In costume. In dwarven. :lol: )
  2. the keeper

    the keeper Spellbinder

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