Myself and a friend need a ride from airport, to the Frankenparty, and also have a spare bed.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kurt Raush, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Kurt Raush

    Kurt Raush Level 0 Character

    I, Kurt Raush, and my friend, Amy are flying into Milwaukee at 1:35 on Wednesday on flight #512 Southwest. We would like to car pool to the convention site, and also wish to attend Frank's party. Can anybody help with sparing a ride to both or either? $$ compensation of course. ALSO our room has two beds and we can share one. We are both pretty easy going, I will be getting up early each day to run games, Amy sleeps more but we are more than willing to share if there is someone in need. You can find me on FB too. Thanks.

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