Of these games, pick 5

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by red wizard, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. sniderman

    sniderman Chevalier

    I believe I have my systems narrowed down:

    Mutant Future
    It Came From the Late Late Show
    Tales From the Floating Vagabond

    I may swap one of them out for Dream Park or Ghostbusters though.
  2. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    Very nice, looking like 21 events by the Dead Games Society this year! :D
  3. red wizard

    red wizard Troubadour

    A sneak peek at my events...

    Full Auto-Negotiate-- Cyberpunk 2013
    "Life is tough, so what. Ever since the Biotechnica job you've been living it up good. All good things come to an end though and when Largo mentioned a job you could retire on, you bit. Now, standing on a sky-pad high atop the Arasaka Tower, you're beginning to think retirement is overrated."

    Shades of Amber-- Amber DRPG
    "Oberon is missing, Corwin languishes a blind prisoner, and Eric wears the crown of Amber. It is during these dark times that Amber's oldest enemies now threaten its rule from a sinister Black Road worming it's way through shadow. Things look bad but at least you have family..."

    The March of Time-- Doctor Who Role-Playing Game (Fasa)
    "On his way to retrieve Amy and Rory from their honeymoon, the Doctor is surprised to find the TARDIS crowded with three of his previous incarnations. Alarmed by the implications, he becomes positively shaken when Riversong and the Master next appear, bearing a message from the White Guardian; 'Equilibrium has fallen and the universe dies. The Doctor must seek the eyes which see no more, that a new eye might be opened.'"

    The Thing They Brought Back-- 5th Edition Call of Cthulhu
    "When Reinhardt Werner returned from the frozen Arctic he brought with him something he claimed would forever change the laws of science. For it's unveiling he gathered together the greatest scientific minds of the age aboard an unsinkable ship and what he revealed would haunt them forever--at least those that survived..."

    Last Man Laughing-- DC Heroes (Mayfair)
    "Gotham City had always been a place ruled by crime, that is until an even darker figure emerged to cast fear over those who would prey on the weak. Now an assemblage of the most feared villains have gathered to have the last laugh...or so they think."

    What Stays in Vegaz-- Gamma World
    "When six warriors of the wasteland come upon a village held in the grip of fear by an ancient enemy of mankind, they choose to defend the defenseless and take the fight into the city of secrets, Vegaz, where what stays must never be let out."

    Drums from the Deep-- MERP
    "Dwarrowdelf, Khazad-Dum, the mines of Moria; long had its hoary deeps lay dark and empty, the Longbeards driven from it's fabled halls by an ancient evil waken by their greed. Yet Balin, son of Fundin, defied the wisdom of King Dain and led an expedition of dwarves from Erebor to reclaim Moria. They found mithril and something more. Relive that pivotal moment in Middle-Earth's Third Age and discover the secret of Durin's Bane!"

    A Wake in the Night-- Vampire:The Dark Ages
    "Gather close young ones for I have lived many centuries and seen many things. It was the year of our Lord, 1318, and Henry II naively believed his reign secure. I know differently though, for I stood with Robert the Bruce, both at his fall and later his rebirth."

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