One day pass?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chgowiz, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. chgowiz

    chgowiz Footpad

    I'll be coming up on the bike Saturday morning for one day - will there still be room available for on-site one day passes? If it comes with two tickets, are most events closed now? (I'm not as worried about that, I'm bringing up my own campaign stuff in case anyone wants to do a quickie game in the AD&D Dark Ages campaign or I'll be playing in pickup games)

    Thanks! Looking forward to making it this year. :)

  2. Dale

    Dale Administrator

    Yes, there are one day passes available on-site. So bring yourself (and any friends) and be prepared to game, have fun, & meet some great people.

    I'll see ya at the door!

  3. chgowiz

    chgowiz Footpad

    Thank you!
  4. Rhuvein

    Rhuvein Troubadour

    Hey chgowiz . . I'm born and raised in Chi-town. Look forward to meeting ya'! We prolly have much in common. I don't ride cycles anymore, but I do game and still hang out in my city.

    See ya next week!


    Rhu. :)

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