Possible Bug in Registration?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by osarious, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. osarious

    osarious Chevalier

    How long do tickets stay in your shopping cart?

    The reason as I ask is that I had a ticket for Event 112403 (AD&D with Frank Mentzer) in my cart, I looked around for other events.
    About 10 minutes later, I went to check out and it told me the event was sold out. WTF?!?!? How could it sell out if I had a ticket in
    my cart? My daughter was registering at the same time and got a ticket. :?:

    I am bringing my daughter and we wanted to play together.

    Is this a glitch or and unadvertised "feature"?
  2. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    I suspect that the system does not protect ticket in the cart; that it only locks them and adjusts inventory at check-out. This prevents the problems that you see at Gen Con where ticket quantities are constantly going up and down as people add and delete tickets from the cart before checking out or as shopping cart time-out or get flushed after a few days (or whatever). I think this is the better solution, because then you don't have people that try for an event, see that it is (allegedly) full, buy something else, and then later see that the event they wanted is now available (again) which they still can't buy because they have a time conflict with the replacement event. The downside is the issue that you encountered. The work around is to check out when you have some critical items in your cart to lock them in and then go back to get more events and/or browse.
  3. osarious

    osarious Chevalier

    Hind sight is 20/20. That doesn't help me now. :|
  4. Nerfherder

    Nerfherder Level 0 Character

    Yep your not alone! I noticed the VIP events sold out very very quickly as well. But I still got into a good selection of events with my son so I'm happy :D

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