Terrain for Garycon Auction

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pana, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. pana

    pana Level 0 Character

    As promised here is some pics as an example of the dungeon I am building for the Garycon Auction. These images are also used for an article writer for Knights of the Dinner Table. His son is having issues with his liver and happened to be born on my wife and my wedding anniversary. I told my wife about it and she said I should build a dungeon for the auction.

    So thinking about it I felt it was a perfect chance to build both dungeons at the same time and use the childs auction one as a test run for building the dungeons in a mass effect with speed. Anyhow it is a perfect way to show you guys images as well and keep you guys informed on the build. I hope you enjoy the pics.

    here is a discription of the build

    This is a 36 inch by 48 inch dungeon casted with Hirst arts blocks and custom built and painted with a modular build for it. What this means is that there are infinite possiblities for layout and design. Each wall is layed out and not attached to the main floor area, the floors are independant tiles that you can shape in any way you want. Think of dungeon tiles but with a 3d element. It stores in 2 pizza sized boxes for easy storage and use.

    There will be 3 elements for your use on any dungeon crawl that you choose. 1/3 of this modular dungeon will be cavern based. 1/3 of the dungeon will be gothic tile / complete small brick build, and the last portion will be cracked floor and ruined small brick build. There will be a ton of costom elements for your eyes to explore along with a few hidden traps and tricks incorperated.

    The Pictures include the casts of the floor tiles with refrences to walls that will be included. These pictures are not a painted for finished product, but a representation of the build underway. More pictures to be included as I go along.

    Pillared walls

    short pillared walls

    Alcove walled

    cavern walls

    ruined walls

    floor tile vertical

    floor tile horizontal

    sample of my finished work for Kenzer co at gencon 2010
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQwsPL07qHE (music on the vid)
    if you guys want a link of the childs auction I can provide one if the mods will allow it, as well you can find it in the kenzer co forums under gamers helping gamers.
    Thanks for looking and feel free to comment on what you would like to see in the dungeon
  2. Totan

    Totan Spellbinder

    Very freakin' cool. I need to learn how to do that some day.
  3. the keeper

    the keeper Spellbinder

  4. pana

    pana Level 0 Character

    Thanks the build is coming out nicely. I am cordinating it with 3 other builds and getting them all done with good progress. More pics soon.


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