Unholy Terror Playtest Results

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DJCheshireCat, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. DJCheshireCat

    DJCheshireCat Level 0 Character

    It does a DM's heart a world of wonder to slaughter foolish players while sipping a fine mezcal. Nothing says a "successful test run" like a single player charging a well fortified position while the other party members are retreating to discuss strategy. Or a player trying to gate a demon with no means to control it. Ah, good times...good times.
  2. mark

    mark Spellbinder

    "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy" :D
  3. sir jon

    sir jon Spellbinder

    Hence the playtest... and the mescal.
  4. mark

    mark Spellbinder

    You have things well in hand. :)

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