registration problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nguilbault, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. nguilbault

    nguilbault Level 0 Character

    i returned an event from my cart too
  2. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    I tried returning events, signing up again, etc. 27 SP dead stock here.

    Anyone want to start a parallel set of events in hotel rooms, etc. for those of us unable to use SP?
  3. mordrin

    mordrin Spellbinder Staff Member

    Actually, I'm not sure if the last thing I did before it locked was returning a SP event or buying a GP event. Could have been either.
  4. tavernace69

    tavernace69 Level 0 Character

    Yep - spent GPs for both my sons and then it said they had no SPs even when their sub-account says they do. They missed out on some of the games they wanted to play.

    Breaking my jaded heart is one thing Gary Con - but you are breaking young gamers hearts with the system glitches. Please fix ASAP so they can register.

    Thank you...
  5. mlpeel

    mlpeel Level 0 Character

    Next glitch. I returned an event, it successfully removed from my list -- but it did not reimburse my GP. I now have 1 event registered to show for 45+minutes of registration.
  6. Crimson Fist

    Crimson Fist Level 0 Character

    Was able to use the cart multiple times for sp events. I have one gp event for 2gp but my registration shows me at -1gp. ???

    For the record, this cart thing is very frustrating.
  7. Narl

    Narl Level 0 Character

    Yeah, my GP went negative as well, without overspending.

    On Facebook the convention staff is saying everything is proceeding fine, slow, but fine. Are they not looking here?
  8. stahlnee

    stahlnee Spellbinder

    Illusion and reality are two different things.
  9. Lestyan

    Lestyan Guest

    It's time to start talking refunds or other ways of compensating those of us who fell victim to this glitch. Because of it, every non-premium event -- save one, which I am sure will be sold out before long -- for which I was going to register is now sold out. I did not spend the money for a platinum badge -- not to mention the costs of the hotel and other expenses -- to be registered for three premium events over a four day con. I doubt that anyone else who bought a badge and is unable to register is happy with the thought of showing up and the con and scrounging for pick up games. This bug is totally the responsibility of the con, and those of us who have been frozen out by it should either receive a total or partial refund or be allowed to register for the sold out events, maybe by adding extra places to those events.
  10. nguilbault

    nguilbault Level 0 Character

    I completely understand this sentiment. I meet a group of friends here every year so we can spend a weekend gaming together -- i have a few games scheduled (from my first registration attempt) but watched more than a few fill up while kneecapped by this bug.

  11. bighara

    bighara Chevalier

    I got a confirmation email, but one of my events is not listed even though it's on my account summary.
  12. mordrin

    mordrin Spellbinder Staff Member

    Hadn't thought about that, but yeah - my email confirmations don't match what I bought that well.
    The events in My Registration are correct, but the emails are missing some.
  13. chainsaw

    chainsaw Troubadour

    Same here. Never got a confirm email.
  14. nguilbault

    nguilbault Level 0 Character


  15. francisca

    francisca Troubadour

    Another issue with email confirmations:

    I got the confirmation emails for my sons' sub-accounts (2 of them), but not for my own, main account events, though when looking at "My registrations" all seems well across the board.
  16. jephraim

    jephraim Level 0 Character

    That's what happened to me, too.
  17. bighara

    bighara Chevalier

    I replied to the confirmation email with a screen cap of my account summary, showing the missing event. Hopefully that will help.
  18. jwagner

    jwagner Level 0 Character

    I was having this problem as well. I bought one event (using GP) and it wouldn't let me buy any more after that. I just tried again, and even though my shopping cart said I had no SP it let me buy them. It looks like they partially fixed the glitch, so I would try again even if it says you have no coins.
  19. IronWolf

    IronWolf Level 0 Character

    Confirmation emails? I did not get one, though my registration page shows all of my events. ::nervous::
  20. Scott308

    Scott308 Chevalier

    I got emails for just about everything- the only exception is Mentzer's Saturday Night Special, which is of course the thing I am most looking forward to playing.

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