Badge/Event Break down

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gizmomathboy, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. gizmomathboy

    gizmomathboy Spellbinder

    We have the break down for the FE(s) that each badge can get.

    Is there a rough (unofficial) breakdown of the Regular Events(RE) that each badge level can get? I thought I read something but I can't recall where I say it and can't find it in the "usual" places.
  2. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    When you go to and click the button for any badge, you'll see a list of badges. Each badge type will list how many featured events you are allowed to register.

    Regular events restrictions: Currently this is only restricted by how many slots there are at the convention. This may be revised in the future.
  3. lige

    lige Level 0 Character

    Seems like that could lead to overbooking and last minute dropping of regular events.
  4. scottmaruna

    scottmaruna Level 0 Character

    I do hope that the scheduling system will prevent signing up for overlapping events or signing up for more than one simultaneous event.
  5. Buttmonkey

    Buttmonkey Troubadour

    The Imp already announced in another thread that the new registration software will not allow someone to register for overlapping events.

    As for people registering for too many events overall and dropping at the last minute (or no-showing), that does happen. If you are interested in playing in an event that is fully booked, I strongly recommend showing up at game time to let the GM know you would like to substitute in for any no-shows. You can get into a lot of games that way. Last year, I didn't register to play in any events so that all of the events I played in were the result of walking up at game time and asking to join. I had no problem getting in all of the gaming I wanted.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  6. chainsaw

    chainsaw Troubadour

    Agreed. I had no-shows in every game, but walk-ups filled their spots. I will also usually exceed my limit by 1-2 people if there's enough physical space. More grist for the mill! Haha!

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