Featured Event/Regular Event Reg separate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gizmomathboy, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. gizmomathboy

    gizmomathboy Spellbinder

    I know this is still early but will FE reg be separate from RE reg?

    As in having FE reg happen on a Saturday and RE reg happen on a Sunday?
  2. mordrin

    mordrin Spellbinder Staff Member

    Dunno, but I would guess not.

    You already have separate registrations for the badge levels. If you split out FEs, too, that's a lot of different registrations.
  3. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    It's all the same registration. Featured Events are simply limited by badge type. The inspiration for this is Gamehole, if you've ever registered there before.

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