Silly event question from dottering old men

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bill Willingham, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Bill Willingham

    Bill Willingham Level 0 Character


    I know I should know this, but looking over the event descriptions, what are Tiers?

    In what way do they figure into choosing games to sign up for?


  2. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    In relation to which events, Bill?
  3. Bill Willingham

    Bill Willingham Level 0 Character

    I have no idea. Some listings seem to have tiers listed. Is this a rating of how hard core a gamer you are?
  4. mwisconsin

    mwisconsin Administrator Staff Member

    I'd have to have a little context in order to help you out, here, Bill. We've got 900+ events, and I'm not familiar with the text enough to tell you that your guess is correct. I'd imagine that "tier" represents some sort of difficulty, or perhaps the round of a tournament? If you've got an event you can point me at, I can, at the very least, contact the DM to see if he/she can provide more information.
    PBurke likes this.
  5. BIglehart

    BIglehart Level 0 Character

  6. osarious

    osarious Chevalier

    I believe it is similar to the D&D Adventurer's League dealing with Player Character Levels.
  7. JediSoth

    JediSoth Troubadour

    Yes, it is so that people with existing Pathfinder Society characters know which level the adventure is for and can sign up accordingly. If you only have a Tier 1 character (level 1 - 3?; I don't remember the actual breakdown), you don't want to bring that character to a Tier 3 adventure.

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