Still looking for volunteers onsite

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ScottEDouglas, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. ScottEDouglas

    ScottEDouglas Level 0 Character

    We've got an excellent group of volunteers already signed up, but could always use a few more. If you've got a slot or two to spare, please feel invited to post here or send me a personal message so I can put you on the email list.

    We all thank you. A great convention happens because of great games run by great volunteer GMs and great logistical volunteers which keep the whole mob moving in a good orderly direction, like herding really bright earthworms after a rainstorm until we are ultimately dried out from effort. Then the after party where we get wet again.

    Do I sound a bit punchy?
  2. Munzog

    Munzog Level 0 Character

    A tad punchy yes.
    I have 2 hour slots available each day of the Con and i will be staying a few days after as well. I will volunteer if you need help in these timeslots. I can work A/V, security, GM handler, setup, teardown, runner, or anything in between. pm me for better contact info if I can help.

    Thursday 6am- 8am, 10am-Noon & 4pm-6pm
    Friday6am-8am, 4pm-6pm & after 8pm
    Saturday 6am-10am, 4pm-6pm
    Sunday 6am-8am & after 6 pm
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  3. Scott71

    Scott71 Level 0 Character

    Sunday after 2pm my fiance and I would be happy to help out with whatever

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